I have researched into various exhibition branding to get some ideas for my own designs. I like this simple ticket design by Passport, I would of liked to of laser cut the roundel symbol on the ticket or a small design quote depending on the length of the passage, however in terms of realistic time scale I don't think that will be possible. As an alternative to trying to create perforated edges I could use a hole punch to show the basic idea.
These simple poster designs that focus on displaying the logo/branding for the events work well together as a set. In terms of promotional posters for the exhibition it would be nice to have a consistent set showing different aspects of the London underground design. The poster on the right hand side shows various images relating to the event which is a similar idea I had with the history of the London Underground.
Exhibition catalogue, pre guide to exhibition, informing audience of the work being displayed. For my booklet/catalogue the style should be simple, a simple layout of type and image, a modernist approach as Pick championed simple, functional design.
More examples of simple layout that could work for the catalogue design. The typeface would be in keeping with the rest of the exhibition, with the headings and titles being in the standard London Underground typeface. However I am unsure about body copy, whether to keep that the same as the headings or change it to a simple, classic typeface that is legible and not distracting such as helvetica.
Simple leaflet/postcard design. For my leaflet design I was considering the same measured format of the fold up pocket sized maps that are placed at various stations. This is something that could be an interesting concept throughout, to use various recognised formats and quotes from the London Underground to show the link of the London Undergrounds branding withe the new designs of the exhibition branding.'
Website mock up for exhibition: This would be designed in a similar way to the booklet to keep the style of branding consistent. It would display similar information but give the audience access to more background information about the London Underground and what the exhibition aims to do with more knowledge about Frank Picks theories and design values.
Wall display: I like the use of this simple exhibitions typeface printed onto the wall, over laying the posters. A simple and clean display would suit the modernist theory Pick believed in. There are a lot of possibilities to be explored with the exhibition display and information and way finding, such as the use of the coloured tube lines for various directions throughout the exhibition, well known quotes (mind the gap, this is Walthamstow Central where this train terminates, please change here) All these could be slightly edited to fit the exhibition, example 'this exhibition terminates here.'
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