Friday 4 October 2013


These are some of the sections filled out on the proposal form, these are specific areas that I want to further my research on to help further my knowledge of my dissertation subject.


How has the iconic design of the Underground contributed to the success of London as a major world city?

How have Frank Picks designs influenced the style of London?

What is the historical, cultural and conceptual relevance of the Underground within the capital?

1.     What research needs to be undertaken into the general and specific contexts of your practice?

What historical events have had a significant impact on your chosen subject? The impact of the war, the alteration of tube poster designs for specific events i.e the 2012 Olympics.
Is my subject culturally specific, and if so, how? The cultural impact it has had on London, its cultural influence on a global scale.
What are the economic factors that influence my chosen subject?
Is my chosen subject related to any technological advances in society? The tube as a function – first big advance.  The tubes adaption to multimedia platforms (design, practicality, accessibility)
What is the specific history of my subject and how has it developed over time?  The history of the tube and the advances it has made over the years.  Recently had its 150th anniversary.  The designs functional purpose and how it still relates to a contemporary society.
Who are the key figures within my chosen subject? (This may include makers, practitioners, writers or thinkers.) Frank Pick – changed the face of London through innovative design. Harry Beck – designer of the tube map.

2.     What approach(es) will you take  and what processes, methods, materials and  tools  are to be involved in research into your practice?

3.     What preparation or investigations do you need to undertake for your creative practice to take place? 

Find out more information about the design aspect of the Underground by going to an exhibition on the tubes poster design at the TFL museum.
Research more thoroughly into the impact of Frank Picks design and how he shaped London by attending a talk at 55 Broadway where former head curator, and research fellow, Oliver Green will release his book, Frank Picks London: art, design and the modern city to help further my research.
Research the history of the tube through various books and internet sources and use the Transport for London museum as a source of first had research.
Research into the designs transition onto a different platform.
4.     What research do you need to undertake regarding who your creativity is for?

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